Become a Precinct Committeeperson
Precinct Committeepeople are the backbone of our local party. Your work as a Precinct Committeeperson will have an impact at every level of Government, from your local school board up to who sleeps in the White House. You can either run to be a Committeeman in the primary or become appointed to a vacant spot by your County and Township Chairman.
So what does it mean to be a Precinct Committeeperson?
Illinois statutes outline the following legal powers of Precinct Committeemen:
• Vote to elect a County Republican Chairman in Lake County (at the County Convention held 29 days after the Statewide Primary); Vote to elect one Republican State Central Committeeman to represent his/her Congressional District (every 4 years, in gubernatorial election years); Vote for candidates to fill vacancies on the ballot for County Board.
However, Committeemen are more than that- they are the local representative of the Republican Party to their precinct!
Duties of Precinct Committeeperson related to winning elections!
• Passing petitions for candidates
• Participate in the selection of Election Judges
• Electing party candidates
• Registering voters
• Recommending/endorsing candidates
• Distributing candidate information
• Driving voter turnout
• Poll Watching
Common Questions About Your Job as a Precinct Committeeperson:
How many hours per month will I have to commit?
Typically your Township will meet once a month for about an hour, while you should make every effort to attend these meetings, attendance is not mandatory. There are other events like meet and greets for candidates, fundraisers, barbecues, and more. As we get closer to an election our committeemen work hard to support our Republican ticket, by knocking on doors, making phone calls, hosting candidates, and putting up yard signs. There are so many way our committeemen support our local Republicans!
How much does this cost?
It costs you nothing but your passion! Most candidates offer steep discounts to Precinct Committeeperson when they host fundraisers, so you can network with other Republicans at a reduced cost.
What do I do now?
Fill out the simple form below and a volunteer with the Lake County Republican Central Committee will reach out to you to talk more about how you can help us fight for the future of our county, state, and country.